Studio Trigger, the anime production company made up of former members of the legendary studio Gainax, is producing a Cyberpunk 2077 anime for Netflix set to premiere in 2022. Called Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, the anime will be a standalone story set in the world of developer CD Projekt Red’s upcoming open-world action roleplaying game. CYBERPUNK: EDGERUNNERS tells a standalone, 10-episode story about a street kid trying to survive in technology and body modification-obsessed city of the future. Having everything to lose, he chooses to stay alive by becoming an edgerunner—a mercenary outlaw also known as cyberpunk. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners will have the studio’s top talent steering the ship: Hiroyuki Imaishi — who worked on Gainax’s Gurren Lagann, as well as Kill la Kill and Promare — is directing along with assistant director Masahiko Otsuka, creative director Hiromi Wakabayashi, and character designers Yoh Yoshinari and Yuto Kaneko (Yoshinari and Kaneko are known best for Little Witch Academia). The screenplay is adapted by Yoshiki Usa and Masahiko Otsuka, longtime veterans of Trigger who worked on Promare and other projects. The original score will be composed by Akira Yamaoka of Silent Hill fame. I am holding out hope that this anime will be a really amazing and very adult theme like devil man crybaby and the cyberpunk 2077 game!
This video I will talk about all the information that we have so far on Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and pretty much all the information and everything I know about cyberpunk 2077 anime! Cyberpunk 2077 Anime Everything We Know About Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. The video I used was made by this person check it out
This video is information and everything we know about cyberpunk edgerunners
about cyberpunk 2077 anime